Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Nine Inch Nails "right where it belongs"

1 comment:

Issah Mohammed said...

This video is so different that I did not know what to make of it at first. The issues that were raised in this video are so on point that I could not help but to ponder on a lot of things.

If the world we think we know is the figment of our own imagination, what would we make of that? In the spirtual realm of some religions and cultures this question could not be more true. I do agree with the view that what we see of the world around us is what our mind can comprehend.

God created humans,jinns,animals,inanimates and spirits. When we think of the origins of mankind and the world what our minds can accept and perceive is our reality. There is physical deception where one thing may not necessarily mean what you think it is for example wealth may not necesarily mean financaial security.

The control of the universe is one thing that caught my attention. The president is shown dancing in what looks like a ballroom with his wife among other couples. In that world everything is perfect and in order but out in the streets there are homeless people,hungry people who are dying of famine while the rest of the world ignores it.

Some people get it and are very angry at the way the world is run. When the president was shown people had obscene ways of demonstrating their dissatifaction with him. This goes to explain that there are people who care about what happens around us.

At the center of the video is this view of individualism. The song talks to the individual as a essential part of the entire universe, a universe that is riddled with imperfections, cruelty,callousness,insensitivity, shame,mischief,crime and suffering.
If the individual could sit back and reflect on what course the universe it on and decipher what is wrong with it, then we all have a chance at a world that we really want.

The hope that lies in the future of the human race is the fact that we have people among us who are good on the inside and are ready to go every length they have to so that this will be a better place to be.

Responsibility is what I see when I see that video and how this world is so unpredictable if any part of the song is a reality. It felt like the world was sitting on a timebomb waiting to explode because it is all based on an illusion. The only reason why it is not an illusion is because we are living it. But guess what? the fact that we are living does not mean that it is not an eloraborate dream.

The thoughts expressed in this video just keeps throwing me into different possiblities of what our coveted universe could be. It could just be a dream and a figment our imaginations,maybe roses are not red or violets are not blue and sugar is not sweet.