Sunday, February 4, 2007

When Science Meets God - At Play In The Unified Field

When Science Meets God- At Play In The Unified Field is a scene from the movie What The Bleep Do We Know? which combines quantum physics and spirituality. Questions that are addressed in the movie; what is reality, do I as an individual create that reality for others and for I? If I do create this realty then can it be changed? These questions and more are explored in depth in the movie.

The clip expresses how the mind forms its experience of reality. Showing how each person can form different views of reality even though reality is supposed to be universal. Reality is based on the individual interaction with the universe. One forms their life; they form their hopes and their fears. They are the one who structures there values, such as what is going too far and what is not going far enough? The way the world is seen is based on the way one takes in the world. To change that experience one must look at the world, look at what needs to be changed, then see how change can occur not as a thought but as a reality.

I extensively thought as to how this piece would be looked at from this online community, what the reaction will be. I thought so much about the reaction I asked my dad to watch the clip. Based on his reaction I felt great about posting this video. He had no clear emotion about what he thought; but it made him think. We sat and talked about self fulfilling prophecy. We talked about the reason we do not always see eye to eye on all things (my tattoo) is because we have had different experience which affects the judgment that one would have to a particular situation.

The content of When Science Meets God- At Play In The Unified Field is not quite whole because the clip is a scene from a movie. This movie explores the deep meaning of quantum physics and of spirituality. As can be seen from the video the movie is made up of the thoughts of several scientists in different fields. The scientists explain how thought can have a direct impact on reality.

Watching this clip at home adds to the value of the message. One can take a look around and see first hand that their surrounding is a reflection of created reality. Watching on the computer there is a personal connection because the viewer is forced to focus in depth on the video. A television screen or a movie screen is not as intimate with the footage as the one on one interaction with a computer.

The power of change is in a thought, the power to over come is in the idea to do so. The video is truly nothing now; it is the voice of perception. Beliefs is what truly separates one person from another, beliefs are the basis of all people. What is lived for and what is killed for.

1 comment:

Fu said...

Hi Jenny, first of all this is a great blog. It contains a lot of ideas that I personally ponder on my way to and back from school. I love that you went into deep thoughts about formulating these thoughts into the video itself. I especially love your last paragraph and the whole point about the power to change is in a thought. I think it is important to have actions manifest from these thoughts of ours to make it a reality. I agree with what you had to say and I am definitely looing forward to your next blog.